We work on a fixed fee or hourly rate , although most of our clients opt for fixed fees.

Our fees are tailored to you and take into account the following:
• the trading structure (eg, sole trader, limited company, not for profit/charity/public sector)
• to the specific mix of services (eg. bookkeeping, VAT, management accounts, payroll, statutory accounts, tax) that you require
• the complexity of your affairs, the volume of transactions and the quality of your bookkeeping (if not completed by us).

Want lower accountant/bookkeeper fees?
We can show you how to keep your records or do your bookkeeping so that your fees are as low as possible.

Want to spend less time on your bookkeeping and accounts?
We can provide a complete service from receiving a pile of paperwork through to final accounts

Want a compromise or “mix & match”?
You decide what services you need, what you would like to do yourself. We will work around your needs and we’ll adjust our fees accordingly, so you never pay for what you don’t need.

Contact us to arrange a free, initial, no obligation consultation.